Music Programs
6th Grade students have the opportunity to join Band, Choir, and/or Orchestra (BCO).
BCO period is offered from 2:45-3:55 p.m. every day. Students may sign up for up to two classes (i.e. Band and Choir, Choir and Orchestra, Band and Orchestra). Classes meet two-three times a week on a Monday/Wednesday and Tuesday/Thursday rotation. Friday classes rotate back and forth between M/W and T/Th rotation. Evening performance concerts are held a couple times per year.
In September, there will be Band and Orchestra Parent Meetings for enrolling students in instrumental music. At these meetings, the schedule of classes will be discussed, along with available instruments, instrument selection, and instrument rental information.
Choir sign ups will take place at school.
Music Staff
Jonathon Rehmert
Jackie McCammon
Walt Riesenberg
Jason Graham
Amy Rist
Susan Rose