Clubs & Activities

Clubs for the 2022-2023 School Year

Student Council

Student Council meets twice a month on Monday mornings before school. Each homeroom in 5th and 6th grade will elect student council representatives. Elections take place at the end of September/early October. Student Council sponsors numerous events during the school year including a hat/mitten drive, canned food drive, spirit days, and other fun events to benefit the school, students, and community. 


Mathletes meets twice a month before school and is open to both 5th and 6th graders. Mathletes encourages students to have fun and be challenged with math. Students participate and play various math games and practice for the annual mathletes competition between all the intermediate schools.  

Book Club


Book Club meets one-two times a month after school on Wednesdays  and is open to both 5th and 6th graders. Book Club members read, review, and discuss various novels and texts. They are also exploring blogging about books this year as well. 

Art Club


The art club is an extension of what students do in art class. This opportunity is geared towards students who enjoy art and want to learn more and create more. Art Club for 5th graders is meeting on Tuesdays from 4-5:30pm during the last grading period, and Art Club for 6th graders is meeting on Thursdays from 4-5:30pm during the fourth grading period.

For our 6th Grade Students:

Band, Choir, and Orchestra (BCO)

Students in 6th grade have the option of signing up for band, choir, and/or orchestra class. BCO period is offered from 2:30-3:40pm every day. Students may sign up for up to two classes (i.e. Band and Choir, Choir and Orchestra, Band and Orchestra). Classes meet two-three times a week on a Monday/Wednesday and Tuesday/Thursday rotation. Friday classes rotate back and forth between M/W and T/Th rotation. Evening performance concerts are held a couple times per year.